Schulz Hotel Berlin

Schulz Hotel Berlin

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Download and go with the APP.

Get the Schulz App now, as it not only opens the door to the hotel, but also provides access to our digital guest directory.

The Schulz App by FLEXIPASS serves as the secure access system to your guest room. We do not store any data and you don’t need to register  before using it. The app requires little storage space and can simply be deleted after checkout.

App Store Google Play

Reservation always at your fingertips!

Check-In & Check-Out done easily through the app

Convenient mobile room access

Order room cleaning through the app

Book your stay at Schulz Hotel

Order repair services through the app

FAQs about Schulz Hotel Berlin


Stay smart

With the Schulz App, you can say goodbye to plastic waste. No more hassle with lost, misplaced, or forgotten keycards that you never know which pocket they’re in. Use your smartphone and securely access your room.